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Enter a list of SNPs below:


Did You Know?

In SNP-metabolite network, SNP nodes connect to metabolite nodes with which they have shown significant statistical associations.

To gain functional insights into SNP-metabolite networks, mGWAS-explorer offers expanded networks by introducing a new node type (genes) and new edge types (SNP-gene, gene-metabolites) based on SNP annotation and known gene/protein-metabolite relationships.

Example SNP List
SNP list 1
ID Type: rsID Example SNP list from type 2 diabetes GWAS after LD clumping (Scott et al. 2017)
SNP list 2
ID Type: rsID Example SNP list from COVID-19 GWAS after LD clumping (Ellinghaus et al. 2020)
SNP list 3
ID Type: rsID Example SNP list 3
Advanced Option:
Advanced Option:
SNP to gene annotation
Metabolite to gene mapping
Gene to metabolite mapping
Select tissues for eQTL mapping
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